Strengthen Your Sterilization Strategy

Strengthening Your Sterilization Strategy to Minimize Disruptions

Strengthening Your Sterilization Strategy to Minimize Disruptions     For four years now, medical device manufacturers have had to navigate significant and ongoing disruptions to device sterilization. Concerns over the harmful effects of ethylene oxide emissions shuttered facilities in late 2019. Suddenly, significantly reduced capacity upended production and sent OEMs scrambling for alternatives. Despite advances…

4 benefits of centralizing supply chain management

Four Advantages of Centralizing Supply Chain Management

Four Advantages of Centralizing Supply Chain Management     A Game-Changer for Medical Device Manufacturers Material shortages, shipping delays, forecasting difficulties, labor shortages, and regulatory compliance challenges. The supply chain disruptions and pressures of the last three years have certainly rattled medical device manufacturers and their partners. With lead times in some cases as long…

The Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Device Product Testing

The Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Device Product Testing

The Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Device Product Testing     As a medical device manufacturer, you know that every product you bring to market must meet rigorous testing standards to ensure patient safety. Product and packaging testing can be time-consuming, though, and require specialized knowledge, equipment, and resources. With increased regulatory and product complexity, it…

the 3 c;'s of supply chain success coordination capacity clarity

The Three C’s of Supply Chain Success

The Three C’s of Supply Chain Success     Like our human bodies, the medtech supply chain needs predictable, uninterrupted inflow of materials and steady-state internal processes to function—with the end result the production of lifesaving products on a regular schedule. It’s an ideal scenario, but the challenges and interruptions of the last few years…

a new era begins with millstone testing services

Millstone Announces Launch of Millstone Testing Services

Millstone Announces Launch of Millstone Testing Services     Millstone Medical Outsourcing is excited to announce the launch of Millstone Testing Services, its new division offering a comprehensive range of product, packaging, and environmental testing for the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. On November 14, Millstone acquired two leading testing organizations, MycoScience and Ethide Laboratories.…