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Successfully Navigating the Challenges of Compliance

Successfully Navigating the Challenges of Compliance     As a medical device manufacturer, you have one priority that takes precedence over all others: getting to market as quickly as possible to help patients—without, of course, sacrificing quality, safety, or outcomes. Actually getting to market quickly, though, is far from simple. What usually gets in the…

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Simplifying the Complexity of Rapid Growth

Simplifying the Complexity of Rapid Growth     There was a time—not so long ago—in medical device manufacturing when the pursuit of topline revenue growth at almost any cost offered a sure path to success.   To grow topline revenue, OEMs sometimes launched new products while legacy versions still flooded the market (some still do).…

image of a man in logistics warehouse packaging a box

Sustaining Velocity: Four Key Considerations for OEMs

Sustaining Velocity: Four Key Considerations for OEMs     In highly competitive industries—like orthopedic device manufacturing—time to market matters. Often, victory goes to those who can launch, produce, and deliver innovative products the fastest while maintaining the highest level of quality possible.   This pressure forces OEMs to create and sustain velocity. Yet that’s easier…

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Addressing the Consequences of High-Cost Labor

Addressing the Consequences of High-Cost Labor     In any industry, a business’s greatest asset is its people. People advance innovation and drive productivity. And while of course talent and labor are essential to what you produce and how you do it, high costs can imperil your profitability and hinder your growth. That’s especially relevant…